Dali Dongqing Software Technology (DDST) offers high quality and affordable computational fluid dynamics (CFD) consulting services tailored to suit individual client needs. DDST services include laminar, turbulent, steady-state, transient, mixing, multiphase, critical fluids, crystal growth, combustion, conjugate heat transfer and condensation/evaporation analyses. Our CFD engineering consultants have considerable experience with the world's best CFD tools such as Phoenics, Flair, Flair Datacenter, Phoenics CVD, CNSPACK and in-house developed CFD software.
CFD (计算流体动力学) 软件
We offer a wide range of CFD software’s: PHOENICS, PHOENICS CVD, FLAIR, FLAIR DATACENTER, CNSPACK and more. PHOENICS is an entire engineering process aiming at solving problems involving flow (of fluids or solids), heat transfer and stress. PHOENICS & FLAIR have the ability to tackle problems involving multi-physics and complex geometries. PHOENICS is fully validated with thousands of cases and produces high-quality results in a single code with little user effort. PHOENICS is an all-inclusive analysis tool kit containing a pre-processor, solver, and visualization package, designed to fit easily within your existing engineering process. PHOENICS has many innovative features (INFORM, COSP (inverse problem), Multi-fluid turbulence, Transfer objects, Special Apps...) included and brought to you in a proven, reliable, cost-effective and easy-to-use software.
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