



PHOENICS incorporate standard and product specific objects for High and low density cabinets, racks, servers, PDU's, CRAC's and ACU's as well as fans, diffusers and emergency fire suppression measures. Underfloor ventilation systems, cabling ducting, permeable and semi permeable floor tiling are all taken in consideration, plus ceiling vents, grilles, extracts and recirculating systems.


A streamlined method has been developed at CHAM that constructs a list of data center contents together with their key parameters : lay out of all cabinets, dimensions, air flow rates, head output orientation and other parameters for each one with a single spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is read by PHOENICS, enabling common data center objects (i.e CRAC's, cabinets, floor/ceiling grilles) to be constructed automatically. This method allows rapid changes to be affected such as scaling IT loads by changing a single value in the spreadsheet.

PHOENICS 能够轻松地处理复杂的房间和设备布局、非标准单元,及多房间和多楼层环境,可以非常容易地引入太阳能等外部影响。PHOENICS/FLAIR用途广泛,也适用于相关设备的建模,例如受不同环境条件影响的外部冷却装置性能、发电机和排气口的排热。

  • FLAIR data center 数据中心软件可以在多个平台上运行
  • 可读取超过40种CAD格式
  • 数据中心的虚拟现实
  • 超大的自定义对象库
  • 价格合理
