We provide CFD software sales and consulting services in China and Asia.
Dali Dongqing Software Technology (DDST) offers high quality and affordable computational fluid dynamics (CFD) consulting services tailored to suit individual client needs. DDST services include laminar, turbulent, steady-state, transient, mixing, multiphase, critical fluids, crystal growth, combustion, conjugate heat transfer and condensation/evaporation analyses. Our CFD engineering consultants have considerable experience with the world's best CFD tools such as Phoenics, Flair, Flair Datacenter, Phoenics CVD, CNSPACK and in-house developed CFD software.
CFD Software
We offer a wide range of CFD software’s: PHOENICS, PHOENICS CVD, FLAIR, FLAIR DATACENTER, CNSPACK and more. PHOENICS is an entire engineering process aiming at solving problems involving flow (of fluids or solids), heat transfer and stress. PHOENICS & FLAIR have the ability to tackle problems involving multi-physics and complex geometries. PHOENICS is fully validated with thousands of cases and produces high-quality results in a single code with little user effort. PHOENICS is an all-inclusive analysis tool kit containing a pre-processor, solver, and visualization package, designed to fit easily within your existing engineering process. PHOENICS has many innovative features (INFORM, COSP (inverse problem), Multi-fluid turbulence, Transfer objects, Special Apps...) included and brought to you in a proven, reliable, cost-effective and easy-to-use software.
Featured News
Volume of Fluid (VOF)
DDST is happy to introduce an upgraded free-surface VOF model for both industrial and marine applications
[External Flow Simulator] CFD software for fluid flow simulation for the external built environment
Indoor air pollution
FLAIR - CFD investigations for reducing personal exposure to particulates emitted from residential Chinese cooking
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